
Script Writing

Our instructional writers can work with your subject matter experts to create a simple story board that follows best eLearning methodologies. Everyone will have a clear picture of what the final story is.


Less is more. We cannot stress the importance of gorgeous design enough. Your audience will be more engaged when the visual elements are easy on the eyes and easy to comprehend.

Personal Voice Talent

The first indicator to a crappy course is audio. If there is no audio or you can hear that the A/C was on during the recording you know it’s going to be a low-budget production.

Quizzes and Interactions

You’ve communicated the training content, now you need to determine whether your audience are all-stars or have poop for brains. We’ll help you craft quizzes and interactions that will assess the knowledge of your audience.

The “Sizzle”

We offer a plethora of piñatas, and by piñatas we mean cutting edge digital media such as high end motion graphics, 2D/3D custom avatars, high-end 3D animation for any industry, 3D simulation training, all the way to augmented reality apps.


We will make your courses work on any LMS, computer or mobile device. We make that part easy for you and do it flawlessly.

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